IPDC: Call for project proposals

Agency name
You will find below an overview of current IPDC priorities and budget ceilings. All IPDC projects must contribute to at least one of the priorities listed below.
IPDC Priorities:
 Supporting media pluralism (particularly community media) and independence (improving self-regulation and
professional standards)
 Promoting the safety of journalists
 Countering hate speech in media and social media, promoting conflict-sensitive journalism practice and/or
promoting cross-cultural/cross-religious dialogue among journalists
 Supporting law reform that fosters media independence
 Conducting media assessments and research based on UNESCO’s Media Development Indicators (MDIs), Gender
Sensitive Indicators for the Media (GSIM), Journalists’ Safety Indicators (JSI) or Media Viability Indicators (VMI).
 Capacity building for journalists and media managers, including improving journalism education (using
UNESCO´s Model Curricula for Journalism Education).
Contact Information
Submission deadline

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