NGO #13178

مركز الدراسات والتطبيقات التربوية
Center for Applied Research in Education
Main Sector
CARE was established in 1989, through the initiative of educationalists and intellectuals. The foundation’s legal status being based on the Israeli legislation ( Reg. No. 511 59343-6) and later on ( 7-25/106) the Palestinian legislation and International Conventions. It is a nonprofit, voluntary institution whose objective is to initiate and promote activities that lead to the development of democracy, civic society, culture, and a more human world. The foundation’s work mainly focuses on providing democratic knowledge and educating teachers, students, parents’ councils and elementary school children. Since 1989, CARE has initiated numerous programs and activities in cooperation with international institutions. Our means to promote the realization of human rights and mutual understanding are, among others,workshops, round tables or seminars, and exhibitions organized in cooperation with local or international institutions and the school adminstrative bodies. The training workshops offer trainina in teaching methodologies on how to introduce the issue of human rights and democracy concepts into primary and secondary classes. Foundation representatives also regularly participate at conferences and seminars focused on human rights and civic education
Contact Information
Contact person
Dr. Ghassan Abdullah
Dr. Ghassan Abdullah
GIS Location

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