NGO #13241

جمعية الشابات المسيحية - رام الله
Young Women's Christian Association - Ramallah
Main Sector
West Bank
Ramallah & Al-Bireh
The Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) is one of the world’s leading women’s organizations; with 25 million members in 110 countries. There have been YWCA groups in Palestine since 1893 in the towns of Jaffa and Jerusalem but the YWCA was formally established in Jerusalem in 1918 but its general work was done under the auspices of the World affiliated National Council of the YWCA of Egypt until 1928, and from 1930 to 1948, the YWCA of Palestine had an active role as an affiliated national association in the World YWCA, with nine branches altogether. Currently, the YWCA of Palestine is formed by three local association situated in Jerusalem, Ramallah and Jericho. The Young Women’s Christian Association(YWCA) of Ramallah was established in 1985 at the request of the Ramallah YWCA members to meet the increasing needs of the Ramallah area for the quality services the YWCA has been offering. The history of the YWCA of Palestine and how it has been shaped, and its evolving programs and structures, have been closely linked with the history, socio-political and economic situation in Palesinte. Although the focus had always been and will continue to be on the women and youth, yet the type of programs and strategies have changed in response to the changing context and needs.
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