NGO #14021

جمعية الرواد الشباب
Young Entrepreneurs of Palestine
Main Sector
West Bank
Ramallah & Al-Bireh
Young Entrepreneurs of Palestine (YEP) is a budding organization based in Ramallah with a goal of promoting entrepreneurship and engaging Palestinian people (especially young and women) in economically productive activities. YEP gives a new value to the notion of entrepreneurship, reinforces the economic dimension of entrepreneurship and helps to build a solid foundation of human security (social, economic as well as national). YEP is a membership based non-profit, non-governmental Palestinian organization, whose mandate is to promote entrepreneurship and support young entrepreneurs, especially those with scarce resources. YEP aims to enhance the active participation, involvement and contribution of young people to the growth and advance of the Palestinian economy and society through the establishment and development of small and medium enterprises in a variety of settings. YEP was established beginning of 2003 upon the initiative of a dozen Palestinian young entrepreneurs, meanwhile YEP has 60 members. At its first General Assembly, February 2006, YEP opened the door for membership and is aiming at widening its base in Palestine to reach the total of 150 members by the end of 2009. Considering the contribution and significance that entrepreneurial SMEs could have as an important engine of growth, YEP aims at building a culture of entrepreneurship and leadership among Palestinian youth, increasing the number of entrepreneurs, enhancing the business environment for start-ups, expanding business through advocacy, promoting the business culture and the community based activities and facilitating entrepreneurship among young people (males and females) especially those with scarce resources. Targeting young women and men of ages 18-45 years old, YEP provides young entrepreneurs the opportunity to learn from each other’s experiences, benefit from peer support, consultancy, capacity building, networking as they start up and grow their businesses. YEP also works in the field of lobbying and advocacy for the creation of an enabling environment that enhances the ability of the private sector and the civil society organizations to advance the development process in Palestine. The idea behind starting Young Entrepreneurs Palestine was the pressing need for a professional body that is capable of representing the interest of and providing needed support to a broad group of Palestinian professionals including young top executives and entrepreneurs from all fields of the Palestinian business arena. YEP is functioning since 2004 with a team of seasoned professionals. Its previous and current activities are focused on the promotion of entrepreneurship and engaging young Palestinian people in economically productive activities, the promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises, the economic empowerment of rural Palestinian women and the Promotional Social Safety Net Activities Component of the Deprived Families Economic Empowerment Program. Equality and Cooperation have the requisite organizational experience to implement more and large community and social projects.
Target Groups
Contact Information
Contact person
Mr.Sleman Abu Alrob
Contact person email
Al-Esra’ Building
Mr.Ahmad Naser
GIS Location

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