NPA: Youth Community Initiatives 2008

Agency name
Norwegian People’s Aid

Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) is a humanitarian right-based organization working in the field ofdevelopment cooperation and relief in more than 30 countries. NPA is working with the Palestiniansin the West Bank and Gaza Strip since 1987. NPA has its office in Gaza City. ‘Youth andYouth’s Right to Participate’ is one of the main themes for NPA’s work internationally as well asfor our work within Norwegian society.NPA invites Palestinian youth organisations or youth groups (registered with ministry of interior)that are active within the community based organisations to submit 2 pages concept paper withsuggested ideas and activities within a budget of 20,000 USD no later than 10th of May, 2008.The target group should be youth between 15-25 years old. The implementation of these projectsshould not exceed 5-6 months. The youth program aims to empower and encourage youth participationin their local communities.

 Activities may include, but not be limited to:

·          Enhance the youth skills. 

·          Encourage teamwork and mobilisation of vulnerable youth.

·          Build youth networks.

·          Advocate youth’s rights locally, regionally and internationally.

·          Organize recreational activities, which may include summer camps.

·          Freedom of expression and right to organize.

Guiding principles for cooperation:

·          The ideas for activities should come from the youth themselves

·          Youth should have the lead in planning, presenting and implementing the activities. ·          Youth should be mobilised based on voluntary bases.

·          Community based youth organisations in West Bank, Gaza Strip and Jerusalem are encouraged to apply.·

          Organisations and activities should not be affiliated with any political party.  

 Note: Please include brief information about your youth organisation, its establishment and history ofactivities in the past three years. Please make sure to include valid e-mail address, phone number, andmention the name or your organizations and title of your concept paper in both English and Arabic.You may deliver your application in English (or Arabic) ONLY by e-mail, applications received by faxor hand will not be considered. Those organizations that will be selected will be contacted by NPA andfinal answer will be given to all organizations by end of July, 2008.  

Norwegian People’s Aid in Palestine

Jabber Building, Al Rasheed Street, Al Rimal, Gaza City

E-mail: [email protected]


NPA selected the following organizations for Youth Community Initiatives in 2007: Palestinian StudentCare Association, The Palestinian Agency for Culture and Media, Human Development Associationand The Palestinian Association for Environment Protection, The Society of Al Nahda Cultural Forum,Bothoor Association for Development and Culture, Al Watan Benevolent Association 

Submission deadline

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