The call main focus will be on the priorities that aim at strengthening the role of civil society in promoting and protecting the rights of vulnerable groups including children, women, disabled, the elderly and the principle of non-discrimination; promoting respect for International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (IHL) through observance, monitoring and advocacy; ensuring respect for human rights fundamental freedoms of expression and association and promoting effective reporting and implementation of international agreements, instruments and commitments to which Palestine has acceded, including inclusive capacity building initiatives.
The financial assistance is allocated from the 2014 and 2015 budgets of European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR-CBSS).
The full Guidelines for Applicants are available for consultation on the following internet sites: http://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/westbank/index_en.htm
and at: European Union Representative Office (West Bank, Gaza Strip, UNRWA)
5, George Adam Smith
Sheikh Jarrah
East Jerusalem
The deadline for submission of Full Application Form (both concept note & full application form) is Wednesday 15 July 2015 at 16:00 local time of the West Bank & Gaza.
Information sessions on this call for proposals are scheduled to take place in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The final timetable will be published in local newspapers and posted on the delegation’s website.