NGO #13147

الرؤيا الفلسطينية
Palestinian Vision
Main Sector
خدمات الرعاية الإجتماعية
الضفة الغربية
القدس (بيت المقدس)
The Palestinian vision wasn't born of a moment or a result of spontaneous interaction; it was an urgent need for a group of Palestinian youth in creating a true space to express themselves and their desire to build a Palestinian society override the voice of youth for a better change. Together with a small group of youth leaders, Ru’ya was established in 1998 in order to create positive opportunities for Palestinian youth leadership and service. Ru'ya quickly filled a social vacuum, expanding to a grassroots membership of over six hundred. Through this broad grassroots network and an all-volunteer, all-youth staff, Ru'ya operates training workshops and community service programs that build leadership skills; strengthen self-esteem, identity and community spirit; provide positive channels for self-expression; empower young women; and facilitate dialogue and exchange with international youth. Emphatically independent from political parties and positions, Ru'ya's vision is of a democratic future in which Palestinian youth serve as positive community leaders, working to improve and advance their society. The organization was registered in the Palestinian Ministry of Interior since 2000 under the number OR/153/cu. The Palestinian vision organization is one of the few organizations that have sought and continue to stay in the city of Jerusalem in order to provide services for young people in particular Jerusalemite youth and then the youth in the provinces of the nation in general.
Contact Information
Contact person
Mohammed Ewawi
Contact person email
Jerusalem Arab Chamber of Commerce Building , 5th Floor
Rami Hussam Nasse Eddin
GIS Location

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