NGO #13166

جمعية تنمية وإعلام المرأة
Women Media and Development-TAM
Main Sector
الإعلام والإتصالات
TAM stands for ''Tanmiyet wa iAâlam al Mar’ah'', or Women, Media & Development. TAM is a Palestinian nongovernmental organization that was established in 2004. Through observation and research, a group of 7 Palestinian women and man, all social, women activists and media specialists, realized that there was a lack of gender concerns in media and that women image carried through media should be changed. Their experience has enabled these professionals to diagnose a viable potential to empower women through the use of media as a developmental tool to promote gender mainstreaming and change the image of women in the Palestinian society by incorporating gender issues, human rights and democracy concepts in media production. The call for a creative and innovative Palestinian nongovernmental organization, enable to challenge theses issues, was engendered. The association is dedicated to Palestinian women empowerment in a creative and innovative way.
Contact Information
Contact person
Mohammad Farrajih
Contact person email
Ms. Suheir Farraj
GIS Location

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