NGO #13191
جمعية زاخر لتنمية قدرات المرأة الفلسطينية
Zakher Association for Developing Palestinian Women Capacities
Main Sector
خدمات الرعاية الإجتماعية
<p>Zakher association for developing Palestinian women abilities, is the only female assembly in al Shijaia area- Gaza. The building was founded upon the direction of a group of Palestinian pioneer women in order to reduce the suffering of women under the harsh conditions that Palestinian society live in now.. The Assembly began its work in 2000 and then obtained a full license for its activities in 22/9/2003. These activities, in the early stages, focused on providing relief services for women and parents. Its initial start was in the headquarters in Shijaiya then Zakher developed its activities to include programs aimed at empowering and strengthening the role of women in the community, in order to make them able to move into the multi-training programs.. The association has acquired the membership and the eligibility of many non-governmental institutions such as: the Arab civil society organizations, the Arab Council for Childhood and the Society is currently working to join the network of Palestinian NGOs</p>
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