NGO #13354

جمعية روان لتنمية الطفل ‏
Rawan Association for Child Development
‎ It has been recently noticed that the number of children ‎suffering from health, psychological, and educational ‎problems in the Palestinian society is rapidly increasing. ‎The political and economical situation has led to the ‎deterioration of the social and psychological life of the ‎individuals in general and to the deficit of the intellectual ‎abilities of children in particular. Moreover, it has led to ‎the existence of some learning difficulties, articulation, ‎language, and behavioral problems.‎ ‎ Since these problems have negatively affected the ‎social and academic life of Palestinian children, ‎experienced specialists in health , social and special ‎education field were aspired to establish "Rawan ‎Association for child development" in order to help those ‎affected children in pre-school and school years . The ‎association was licensed by the Ministry of Internal ‎affairs on the 23rd of July 2008, Number: RA-22580–E‎
Contact Information
Contact person
Ms. Salam Asia
Opposite Red Crescent Society
GIS Location

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