NGO #13556

ملتقى السلام والديمقراطية
Peace and Democracy Forum
Main Sector
الحكم الصالح والديمقراطية
Peace & Democracy Forum (PDF) is a Palestinian Non-Governmental Organization based in East Jerusalem, and functions as a public institution subject to the rules and regulations governing civil society institutions. PDF adheres to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and upholds the basic principles of respect for human life and dignity. The Forum is officially registered with the Israeli Ministry of Interior as a non-profit public society (AMUTA) in accordance with the Israeli Law regulating the licensing, functions and modus operandi of such institutions. Thus the Forum subjects its structure, administration, activities and finances to the regulations set forth in the said Israeli Law, and, as per law, submits the required administrative and financial reports to the concerned authority. PDF holds its records of activities and keeps financial books in compliance with the principles of transparency and accountability. PDF cooperates, locally, regionally and internationally, with other civil society NGO’s that holds and promotes a plan of action comparable with its aims and activities.
Contact Information
Contact person
Mr. Sama'an Khoury
Mr. Mu'tasem Hasna
GIS Location

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