NGO #13602

مركز علاج وتأهيل ضحايا التعذيب
Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture
The Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture (TRC), is a Palestinian non-governmental, non-profit organization, which was established to provide psychosocial services to survivors of politically-motivated torture and violence, to their families and to their communities. TRC, the only Center of its kind in the West Bank, was founded by a Palestinian psychiatrist (currently TRC‘s Director) in 1997, under the umbrella of the Mandela Institute for Political Prisoners. In 1999, the Center moved to an independent premises and is currently supported by a Board of Directors and Board of International Advisors. Since its founding, the Center has gradually expanded its work to include training, outreach, public awareness, research, crisis intervention and prevention activities as well as international networking with similar centers worldwide. TRC‘s main office is in Ramallah and in late 2003, TRC established offices in the north (Jenin) and south (Hebron) of the West Bank in order to facilitate Outreach Services. TRC‘s current technical staff includes one Consultant Psychiatrist, thirteen Psychologists, eleven Social Workers and three Psychiatrists/General Practitioners. TRC‘s administrative staff is made up of a technical operations manager, a project coordinator, a media coordinator, an executive secretary, an IT coordinator, a training assistant, an accountant, an administrative and financial manager and a messenger as well as a team of volunteers recruited from TRC‘s trainees. As of December 2004, TRC has assisted 2,611 patients. TRC has also reached thousands of individuals through crisis intervention activities, the Outreach Program and Public Awareness activities. Furthermore, TRC has provided mental health and human rights training to over 500 trainees.
Contact Information
Contact person
Amel Makhlouf
Al-Masah Building, 3rd floor
Dr. Mahmud Sehwail
GIS Location

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