NGO #13822

مركز توجيه للديمقراطية وثقافة الحق
Steering Center for Democracy and Right Culture
Main Sector
الحكم الصالح والديمقراطية
Steering Center for Democracy is a non-profit organization based in Bethlehem. is focused on the promotion and upholding of democracy in Palestine. The vision of Steering Center is a more democratic, more just society in Palestine. While the international community frequently hears about political issues in this area, Palestinian suffer from a lack of human rights at the hands of international policies and its own society. While the Palestinian National Authority is fighting a political war for national independence, local civil society organization are responsible for spreading the ideas of democracy and respect for human rights. SCD is committed to this cause. It carries out activities to promote human rights and is part of the effort to create a society that is accepting of democratic ideas. SCD is strictly apolitical which allows it to act with the freedom of neutrality and remain transparent and focused on its mission.
Contact Information
Contact person
Ms. Amani Al Masa'ed
Ms. Faten Nastas
GIS Location

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