NGO #13841

جمعية بسمة للثقافة والفنون
Basma Society for Culture and Arts
Main Sector
الثقافة والرياضة والفنون
Basma Society for Culture and Arts is a non-profit community based organization, established in 1994, with the aim of activating the Palestinian cultural movement, and enable people access the cultural and artistic activities through providing theatrical performances, Video presentations, drama workshops, Puppets theater for children, training courses and workshops to train actors, and cultural workshops and evenings …etc. These activities directed to all of Gaza areas and groups, with concentration on children and youth., also it was implemented by combining education with entertainment to encourage participants to actively express their viewpoints and share experience.
Contact Information
Contact person
Ms. Dalia Al- Sakani
Building 21/180
Ms. Nahid Hannoona
GIS Location

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