NGO #14066

جمعية الحرية والسلام لمساعدة ودعم الانسان
Freedom and Peace Association for Helping and Supporting Human
Freedom and peace association for helping and supporting human has been established and founded in 2010 in nablus by initiative young educated people that concerned in local socity needs and from their interest in social volunteering teamwork that serve our palestinian people,and from people who believe that the steady hard work needs more than statments, but to the effective initiatives and faithful efforts concentrated on developing local socity far away from any poltical, regional or sectarianism. Why freedon and peace association for helping and supporting human ??? From our believes that the decent life to everybody in our society or in this world in general is a fundemental right without any distinction of color or race or religion and that is summarized in three fundemental points that must be provided :
Contact Information
Contact person
Mr. Ahmad Khoswan
Hendya Bldg., 3rd floor
Mr. Sameeh Hendya
GIS Location

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