NGO #14108

جمعية رؤية المستقبل لتنمية القدرات
Future Vision Organization for the Development of Abilities
الضفة الغربية
بيت لحم
بيت لحم
We are a non-profit developmental organization registered with the Ministry of Interior (BL – 494 – C) since 2005. Our focus has been to support children, youth, women and families in the Greater Bethlehmen District and to help youth overcome the many challenges of living in the unique circumstances of the West Bank, in particular helping those youth who are residents of the refugee camps. We work in collaboration with local and international partners to achieve our goals and have established relationships with diverse community groups. The Future Vision Society was established with very small facilities in the Deheisha Refugee Camp but with great ambitions. We are situated in where there is a critical lack of funding but we have operated with a commitment and determination to serve refugees in Dehesha and other refugee camps in the area. Since the Future Vision Society started providing its social services in a small rented center in Dehesha Refugee Camp it has become established as a recognized NGO. The Future Vision Society became a well-known organization in the provision of social services. There we have about 1000 direct beneficiaries including children, youth, women and deprived families, as well as 1500 indirect beneficiaries. The Future Vision Society has also 270 members and volunteers, from among Palestinians, Arabs and foreigners. Throughout its journey, the Future Vision Society has operated along three major areas: developing the organziations human resources, spreading and diversifying its services, and building and modernizing its center for community activities.The Future Vision Society has so far received tens of appreciation certificates and honor certificates from the local organizations showing appreciation support to our work and for our dedication to the community, together with positive feedback and comments from many individuals.
Contact Information
Contact person
Mr. Issa Abu Awad
GIS Location

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