NGO #14188

جمعية قدرات الخيرية
Potentials Charitable Society
Main Sector
Potentials Charitable Society (PCS) is a non- governmental, non- profit organization founded in 2011 in Jericho by a group of academics and educators. PCS aims at spreading awareness among students and youth of the significance of education, and exploring their potentials and hidden talents. The Society targets school students and youth of both sexes, and focuses on the development of their capabilities, raising their educational level, promoting volunteerism, respecting and meeting their needs, and empowering them for the purpose of reinforcing their role in the building process of the Palestinian Civil Society.
Contact Information
Contact person
Shireen Musleh
Contact person email
Assharabati Bldg. First floor
Ibraheem Nojoom
GIS Location

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