Human Rights and Democracy Media Center "SHAMS" calls for the protection of journalists

Submitted by rabuhasan on Mon, 05/03/2010 - 11:36
On the occasion of the International Day for Press Freedom, Human Rights and Democracy Media Center "SHAMS" calls for the protection of journalists
 "SHAMS" center calls upon the world's states for the need to protect workers of media, as many journalists have been subjected to arbitrary detention and prone to extortion and intimidation, some have lost their lives while performing their duties whether during gathering information, seeking evidences or transferring the information.  
"SHAMS" center reminds with the crucial role that e fourth authority plays in promoting democracy and encouraging development throughout the world due to capacity and influence of the media means in this area and in stimulating the socio-economic development as one of the forces for change.
"SHAMS" center reaffirms the necessity for the Palestinian media to assume its role in monitoring and protecting public freedoms as it is considered one of the fundamental human rights according to article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
 Finally, "SHAMS" center greets all Palestinian and international journalists and all Arab and foreign media agencies and satellite channels for their professional performance in highlighting the sufferings of the Palestinian people and in exposing the practices and policies of the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people.

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