My name is Maksym( Maxim) Ashur.I was born in Palestine, Gaza in 10.08.1999 but left country in 2003 with my mother.We moved to Ukraine.I miss my Motherland..Palestine is always in my heart. From I am 6 I study karate and have play it for 5 years already.I took part in many competitions and Championships..Last time I took part in European Championship and took first place.This my victory is for Palestine.I want also take part in Championships for the name of Palestine, so I ask if the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Palestine read my letter, to contact with my mother : [email protected] and talking about.I want to help Palestine in anyway I can do.So maybe if I will take part in such Championships under the name of Palestine- more people all over the world will know more about Palestine and know that palestinians are strong people and have rights to have a Freedom.
Maxim Ashur