The Arab Council for the Social Sciences (ACSS) is pleased to announce the ninth cycle of its Research Grants Program (RGP) on the theme of "Health and Livelihoods in the Arab Region: Wellbeing, Vulnerability and Conflict".
This is the third and last cycle on the same theme.
The RGP is a funding opportunity that aims to support research across disciplinary boundaries and methodological approaches on key themes of concern to the Arab region.
This program is funded by grants provided to the ACSS by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Grants will be available to individual researchers (up to USD 20,000), teams of researchers (up to USD 35,000), and collectives and institutions based in the region (up to USD 50,000) whose research focuses primarily on Arab societies. Grants are intended to support a maximum of 18 months for individuals and teams, starting June 15, 2022 and ending December 15, 2023, and a maximum of 24 months for collectives and institutions starting June 15, 2022 and ending June 15, 2024. Priority will be given to researchers residing in the Arab region.