NGO #14646

مركز آدم لحوار الحضارات
Adam Center for Dialogue of Civilizations
Main Sector
Good Governance and Democracy
Gaza Strip
<p>Adam Center for Dialogue of Civilizations is Independent and non-profit Palestinian organization was founded since 2005 in the Gaza Strip, where different programs were implemented that target young people and seeks to promote culture of peace and principles of tolerance and dialogue in community. In 2012, a branch was opened in West Bank as an extension of the work of the main center in the Gaza Strip. The West Bank branch works with different Palestinian universities, where there is an ongoing program that holds monthly workshops with the Palestinian universities targeting students from different faculties as the center enjoys good relations with the faculties and deans of different universities and with youth groups which reflected positively on the work and performance of the center in various areas of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The extensive network of relationships with various institutions of the local community and with volunteers&rsquo; networks can be a real momentum to be utilized by the center to successfully communicate with different social groups and smoothly implement various activities. In addition, the center has qualified staff and efficient work as the Center&rsquo;s Governing Council comprises a group of experts in several areas ready to support of the center&rsquo;s initiatives. The Center&rsquo;s vision is based on the principles of dialogue and tolerance as committed principles of human rights and good governance that are internationally adopted. The center seeks through its various activities to achieve this vision by targeting Palestinian youth in various places of their presence and open community dialogue with all spectra of society on the peace culture and tolerance away from the traditional stereotypes that prevail in the society , the center has performed a number of projects over the few last years aimed at empowering young people in the Gaza Strip as well as activities related to deployment of the concepts of dialogue and tolerance among religious groups as well. The center has carried out some public conferences in the various governorates of the West Bank and in partnership with the Palestinian universities and institutions in addition to holding a series of training sessions on social media in partnership with the Geneva Center for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces.</p><br /><br /><p>&nbsp;</p>
Contact Information
Contact person
Abdullah Mahmoud
Contact person email
El-gowhra Towr - the 7th floor
Abdullah Mahmoud
GIS Location

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