JCESR: 150 Palestinian homes awaits imminent demolition

Jerusalem Center for Social and Economic Rights warned of the occupation new plans to demolish some 150 Palestinian homes situating in various locations in the occupied city. Demolition orders were signed by the previous and current Israeli mayors Uri Luplianski and Nir Barkat.

According to JCESR's Research and Documentation Unit, Palestinians homes that are threatened with imminent demolition located in Jerusalem neighborhoods of Beit Haninah, Shu'fat, Ashqariyeh, Nusiebeh Housing Project, Silwan, Thuri, Jabal al-Mukaber, Sur Baher, Mount of Olives, al-Zu'ayem, Isawieh and Ras Khamis.

JCESR estimates that more than one thousand Palestinians will be displaced in case the occupation municipality implements its plans. However, the new number of slated Palestinian homes for demolition does not include 125 apartments which were previously issued demolition orders.

According to JCESR, the demolitions of two Palestinian homes in Beit Haninah and Ashqariyah, are part of a series of demolitions to be conducted until the end of this year which will included 150 Palestinian homes issued demolition orders by the Israeli municipality of Jerusalem.

Yesterday, Israeli bulldozers knocked down one Palestinian home owned by Amjad Tiryaki which used to provide shelter for 5 persons. In another incident, Israeli bulldozers demolished part of Majed Abu Eisheh's home which is situated in Beit Haninah. The demolition was conducted despite the fact that its owner did not get any demolition order issued by any of the Israeli courts.

According to JCESR estimates Israeli occupation demolished 61 Palestinian homes since the beginning of the year, while 18 homes were demolished by their owners to evade paying costly fines which the municipality imposed on them and they cannot afford.

Meanwhile the so called Custodian of Absentees Properties took over 200 Palestinian homes locating inside the Old City of Jerusalem which are now controlled over by Israeli settlement organizations. Elad organization controls over 70 settlement enclaves including 40 in Silwan and Ras al-Amud.

JCESR estimates that Palestinians in Jerusalem require over 2000 housing units per year to cope with their rate of population growth, yet the Municipality issued only 18 construction permits in 2008, according to deputy mayor for East Jerusalem affairs Yakir Segev. However, the 18 permits, one license for building retaining walls for Yousfiyeh Moslem cemetery.

In occupied Jerusalem, there are over 20,000 Palestinian constructions outstanding demolition orders according to the Municipality statistics.


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