Dr. Eyad El Sarraj President of Gaza Community Mental Health Programme received the most prestigious International Award

Gaza Community Mental Health Progarmme Board of Directors, Director General, and staff congratulate Dr. Eyad El Sarraj on receiving the most prestigious International Juan J. Lopez Ibor 2010 Award, bestowed upon those who excel internationally in the field of psychiatry.

This year, the award was given to a recipient who has devoted his professional career to the rights and dignity of the mental health patients and contributed to the promotion of mental health through scientific research.

Among fourteen prominent scientists and researchers in the field of psychiatry, Dr. Ahmed Okasha, Professor in Psychiatry and President of Arab Federation of Psychiatrists, nominated Dr. Eyad El Sarraj. The arbitrary committee, which consisted of eight international experts, granted the award in Copenhagen to both Dr. Joel Engest from Switzerland and Dr. Eyad El Sarraj from Palestine.

On behalf of all GCMHP staff and the Palestinian community, the Programme thanks Dr. Okasha for nominating Dr. Eyad El Sarraj, a prominent psychiatrist of Palestinian heritage.

GCMHP is honored that Dr. El Sarraj received this international award, which is evidence of Dr. El Sarraj's efforts in the field of mental health, especially his focus upon the basic rights of Palestinian victims of violence and human rights violations. The award also signifies an international recognition and solidarity with the Palestinian people and their quest for equality and justice.

On this occasion, we congratulate ourselves and all our local and international partners and friend for this great award - which is a great testimony for Dr. Sarraj’s history and dedication to promote the mental health profession, and his role in serving the Palestinian community at all forums, setting a good example for respecting human rights and supporting mental health patients and oppressed people.

GCMHP - as its expresses its delight for the honoring of Dr. Eyad El Sarraj, President and Founder of GCMHP - considering the award as reward, specifically, for all GCMHP staff for their relentless efforts over the past twenty years, and for professionals in mental health and human rights in Palestine and the Arab world.


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