NDC Signs GIAs with Seven NGOs Working in the Field of Human Rights and Good Governance

On Thursday February 23rd 2012, the Human Rights and Good Governance Secretariat signed Grant Implementation Agreements (GIAs) with seven NGOs working in the field of human rights and good governance in the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt). Totaling US$1,215,000, these Core Funding grants will contribute greatly to the protection and promotion of human rights throughout Palestine.

In July 2008, several European donors – namely Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands – entrusted the NGO Development Center (NDC) with the establishment and management of the Human Rights and Good Governance (HR/GG) Secretariat. The HR/GG Secretariat provides a mechanism to more effectively manage the donors’ long-standing commitment to human rights and good governance. What’s more, financial and technical assistance can now be more effectively channeled through a permanent secretariat structure dedicated to supporting the HR/GG sector.

This most recent round of signings will provide core funding for seven NGOs. Three NGOs in Gaza (Al Dameer – Association for Human Rights, Al Mezan – Centre for Human Rights and Palestinian Centre for Human Rights – PCHR), three Jerusalem-based organizations (Women’s Studies Centre, Jerusalem Center for Women and Bimkom – ‘Planners for Planning Rights’) and Miftah – ‘The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy’ in Ramallah.

The Human Rights and Good Governance Secretariat and NDC are particularly proud of the diversity of organizations, in terms of geographic location and thematic focus, benefiting from this round of Core Funding grants. Continued support of the fundamental infrastructure of human rights and good governance NGOs provides a level of stability essential if the sector is to affectively protect and promote human rights in the oPt.

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