The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs announces the launch of the oPt Humanitarian Fund's (oPt HF) Third Reserve Allocation for 2024. This allocation seeks to address the urgent needs in Gaza amidst escalating war and displacement, particularly in the Khan Younis and Middle Area Governorates.
The overall objective of this allocation is to provide integrated, multisectoral life-saving services and uphold the centrality of protection within all interventions, ensuring assistance reaches the most vulnerable groups including women and children. In alignment with the strategic goals of both the oPt Flash Appeal 2024 and the oPt Flash Appeal 2023, this phase emphasizes shelter, water, sanitation, health, and education.
Objectives and Funding Per Cluster:
- Protection: $750,000 to enhance access to humanitarian assistance and protection for the most at-risk groups.
- Health: $1,000,000 to increase access to emergency and routine healthcare.
- Education: $750,000 to provide psychosocial support and recreational activities to children affected by the crisis.
- Shelter & NFIs: $500,000 to distribute essential non-food items and establish temporary shelters.
- WASH: $1,000,000 to ensure access to safe water and sanitation services.
- MPCA: $1,000,000 to support households in meeting their basic needs through multi-purpose cash assistance.
Project Selection Criteria include:
- Alignment with the strategic objectives of the allocation paper.
- Emphasis on protection mainstreaming and gender equality.
- Inclusion of all relevant Cluster Standard Indicators and Eligible Actions for monitoring and reporting.
- Capacity to deliver aid effectively, particularly in Khan Younis and Meddle areas.
The complete list of criteria is in section five of the allocation paper
OCHA oPt strongly encourages national partners operating in the Gaza middle areas and Khan Younis to apply, focusing on the highlighted clusters and activities as detailed in the attached allocation strategy paper.
Please submit your proposals via the Grants Management System (GMS) at https://cbpf.unocha.org/ by the deadline of 2nd May 2024. It is imperative that proposals meet the outlined criteria and demonstrate a clear, impactful approach to addressing the needs identified.