Early Maternity Care in Palestine

Submitted by [email protected] on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 13:36

Prenatal care is a group of organized and systemic health services offered to pregnant women during the period of pregnancy. The aim of these services is to ensure the safety of pregnancy and make sure that pregnant woman receive their physiological needs, in addition to services aiming to alleviate the stress and fear that accompany hard labor and delivery. The services aim also to detect women with his risk pregnancy or those with higher possibility to suffer postnatal complications, such as miscarriage, preterm labor, deformities or birth defects, preeclampsia (toxemia of pregnancy), and those who need special medical attention. Usually, these services
are offered during visits of pregnant women to the specialized medical clinics, midwives, or maternity and childcare centers which are found in various parts of the homeland.

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