UNDP/PAPP: Call for Expression of Interests for the Investment Programme for Resilience (IPR)

Agency name
The United Nations Development Programme/ Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People


Investment Programme for Resilience (IPR)

Call for Expression of Interest

Fourth Round of Funding

Gender-responsive Social Infrastructure Initiatives

West Bank (Area C, B, Hebron H2)

(Ref: IPR - 01001808/ 4th Call for Expressions of Interest / West Bank)


The United Nations Development Programme/ Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People (UNDP/PAPP), in cooperation with the State of Palestine and with funding from the Government of Germany through KFW, is pleased to announce the call for expression of Interests for the Investment Programme for Resilience (IPR), specifically focused on gender-responsive social infrastructure initiatives.

The two Expression of Interest documents are both below in English and Arabic are available on following link:



Contact Information
The United Nations Development Programme/ Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People
Submission deadline

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