NGO #13270

جمعية دار المياه والبيئة
House of Water and Environment
The House of Water and Environment (HWE) is a Palestinian not-for-profit NGO that was established in 2004. HWE aims to promote practical research into the current and future state of water resources and the environment in Palestine and across the region. Although environmental issues are frequently in the news, little understanding surrounds the need to combine different notions of social, technical, economic, etc sustainability in order to achieve development outcomes that both provide for national development and help to achieve poverty reduction. HWE aims to address this need through mobilizing local and international networks and partnerships to promote a broader analysis of sustainable water resource development and better ‘governance' of the resource. By providing a regional base for networking and partnering around the common theme of water resources sustainability, HWE will seek opportunities to establish a Middle East Water Centre for Sustainability in order to implement a wide range of activities including research, dissemination of knowledge and training.
Contact Information
Contact person
Ms. Sawsan Al-Qudsi
House of Water and Environment bldg.
Dr. Amjad Elawi
GIS Location

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