NGO #13526

الجمعية الفلسطينية الأكاديمية للشؤون الدولية-باسيا
Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs
PASSIA is an Arab non-profit institution located in Jerusalem/Al-Quds with a financially and legally independent status. It is not affiliated with any government, political party or organization. PASSIA seeks to present the Palestinian Question in its national, Arab and international contexts through academic research, dialogue and publication. PASSIA endeavors that research undertaken under its auspices be specialized, scientific and objective and that its symposia and workshops, whether international or intra-Palestinian, be open, self-critical and conducted in a spirit of harmony and cooperation. PASSIA's projects include a series of seminars on Diplomacy and Protocol, Strategic Studies, the European Community, and Education on Democracy. This seminar program provides a much needed focus inside Palestine for training Palestinian graduates in international affairs with lectures and discussions held by the highest quality Palestinian and foreign specialists. PASSIA's involvement in the question of Jerusalem remains extensive. It hosts regular workshops which address different but inter-connected problems concerning the holy city such as access to information, holy sites, Israeli settlement,and viable future municipal arrangements as capital for the two States.
Contact Information
Contact person
Ms. Sana Shannak
Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi
GIS Location

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