NGO #13572

جمعية مركز اللقاء للدراسات الدينية والتراثية
Al-Liqa’ Center for Religious and Heritage Studies in the Holy Land
Main Sector
Culture, Sports and Arts
West Bank
Bethlehem (Beit Lahm)
the late 1970’s and 1980’s, a large number of academicians and Christian and Muslim clergymen began to observe the phenomenon of religious fanaticism among some Palestinian Christians and Muslims. This prompted them to meet and discuss this dangerous phenomenon which could undermine the entire society if rational men do not deal with it. Accordingly, several meetings were held to study this phenomenon and to define its roots and causes. Those who met together emphasized that the occupation is a main factor in creating sectarian and divisive trends (divide and rule). The civil war in Lebanon which began in 1975 had an effect on the emergence of religious fanaticism here and there in Palestine specially because Israeli and Western media focused on religious dimensions and that the Lebanese war is a war between Christians and Muslims. It should be noted that religion was not a reason for this war. However international and Middle Eastern interests found in Lebanon the suitable place to get the entire country involved in this war which had many causes among which are the political and economical causes.
Contact Information
Contact person
Dr. Geries S. Khoury
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