NGO #13763

جمعية نوران للاعمال الخيرية
Nuran Charitable Association
Nuran Charitable Association is the only Palestinian association in East Jerusalem that works in the fields of first response emergency medical care, preventative health education, and medical clowning. With limited financial resources, Nuran was able to do tremendous work in Jabal Mukaber and the surrounding neighborhoods, all suffering from underdevelopment, poor services, and neglect by the Israeli authorities. The work and the success of Nuran depend solely on the active volunteers from East Jerusalem, and we are grateful to those volunteers who give their time, efforts and even donations to the association. Nuran started its charitable work two and a half years ago with only 5 volunteers. The number of volunteers has grown to over 60 by the end of 2009. The growth in the number of volunteers is directly related to Nuran’s belief in spreading its message to every extent.
Contact Information
Contact person
Eng. Mohammad Bashir
Contact person email
Jabel Mukaber Club
Mr. Shawkat Awisat
GIS Location

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