NGO #14056

مؤسسة هولي لاند ترست
Holy Land Trust
oly Land Trust is a not-for-profit organization established in Bethlehem in 1998. Holy Land Trust (HLT) seeks to empower the community through mobilizing its strengths and resources in order to address the challenges of the present and create real opportunities for the future. ImageThrough a commitment to the principles of nonviolence, HLT seeks to develop spiritual, pragmatic and strategic approaches that will empower the Palestinian community to resist all forms of oppression, and engage this same community in making the Holy Land what it is supposed to be: a global model and pillar of understanding, respect, justice, equality and peaceful coexistence. Image To strengthen international involvement and advocacy in order to achieve this purpose, Holy Land Trust has created unique travel and encounter programs as well as authentic and comprehensive media and news programs.
Contact Information
Contact person
Mr. Sami Awad
Mr. Sami Awad
GIS Location

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