SHAMS issues a press release on the occasion of the International Day for Tolerance

Submitted by rabuhasan on Sat, 11/13/2010 - 09:22

 “SHAMS” center Warns against the seriousness of the escalating calls to target the Christian brothers and their churches as it represents a desperate attempt by some parties to hit the religious coexistence. The Eastern Christians are partner owners of the land and have consistently defended it; the worsening situation in some Arab countries and the sectarian and ethnic conflict is dwarfing the concept of citizenship. This implies Threatens to implicate the Arab world in chaos, loss of hope, community disintegration, displacement and seeking asylum. Hence, we stress our categorical rejection of all practices related to feeding a culture of intolerance in all its forms, and all that may narrow the space of tolerance between members of the same society.

“SHAMS” center emphasizes on the importance of tolerance, mutual respect, dialogue and cooperation among different cultures, civilizations and peoples, as all cultures and civilizations contribute to the enrichment of humankind. Departing from this fact, the world today is in desperate need for culture of tolerance, peaceful coexistence and to peacefully compromise disputes and conflicts; it’s time to prevail love and intimacy between the nations and peoples of earth.
“SHAMS” center reminds all national and Islamic factions on the elapsing of another year on the absence of political tolerance, therefore, things have remained unchanged, and therefore, the center calls upon  the Palestinian National Authority and the Palestinian factions to respect and protect public freedoms, freedom of opinion and expression, peaceful assembly, political pluralism , and political tolerance.
At the same time, the center urges the PNA and the different political parties and factions settle differences and division, and to resort to dialogue as a sole option to resolve all existing discrepancies, in addition to renounce violence and intolerance on the official and popular levels, and banning the use of force or the threat and intimidation, and the need to promote a culture of community peace and a culture of democracy and acceptance of others.
“SHAMS” Centre Commends the initiative of our colleagues in "PYALARA" that is considering the 10/10 of each year as a Palestinian Day for Tolerance to cleanse the society from harmful behaviors and to strengthen the elements of social and national resilience towards protecting the higher interests of the people.
Finally, We support all voices calling for the choice of love and tolerance to build a Palestinian society free from intolerance, factional, narcissism, hatred and revenge.

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