Al Mezan Calls on Government in Gaza to Take Measures to Guarantee Autonomy of Charities

Submitted by [email protected] on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 21:52

Reference: 56/2009

Date: 11 June 2009

Press Release

Humanitarian Assistance Seized from Charitable Association: Al Mezan Calls
on Government in Gaza to Take Measures to Guarantee Autonomy of Charities

At around 5.40pm on 10 June 2009, police stationed in Beit Hanoun town
seized control of humanitarian assistance prepared for distribution by
Al-Ataa Charitable Association. The assistance was donated by the Welfare
Association and was due to be distributed to people in need in Beit Hanoun
and to Jabalia Rehabilitation Association. The police took control of the
assistance and distributed it on the basis of a list which the police itself
had prepared.

According to information gathered by Al Mezan from sources at the Ministry
of Social Affairs in north Gaza and Al-Ataa Association, the Welfare
Association donated hygiene kits which were divided into 2000 packages on 15
June 2009. The assistance was intended to benefit residents of north Gaza
affected by the recent Israeli military offensive against the Gaza Strip
codenamed 'Operation Cast Lead.' Al-Ataa was entrusted with distributing the
assistance to other associations in north Gaza district and directly
supervising the distribution of assistance to beneficiaries in Beit Hanoun.

According to the director of Al-Ataa association, Ibtisam Omran Az-Za'anin,
the distribution of the assistance had been coordinated in advance with the
Ministry of Social Affairs and a beneficiary list for Beit Hanoun had been
submitted to both the Ministry and Beit Hanoun's police. When Ms. Az-Za'anin
protested the seizure of the assistance, the police pushed her to the

According to the director of Al-Ata' Association, the Association allocated
the assistance to the following associations:

* Development (Tanmiya and Tatweer) Association in Beit Lahiya for
distribution to beneficiaries west of Beit Lahiya

* The Protection of Palestinian Heritage Association for distribution
to beneficiaries east of Beit Lahiya

* Life and Hope Association for distribution to beneficiaries in
Jabalia refugee camp

* Mercy Charitable Association for distribution to beneficiaries in
Beit Lahiya refugee camp

* Jabalia Rehabilitation Association for distribution to disabled

* Jabalia An-Nazla Youth Cultural Center for distribution in Jabalia
An-Nazla area

A total of 1316 packages were distributed on Tuesday 9 June 2009 and the
rest - 684 allocated to Beit Hanoun area and Jabalia Rehabilitation
Association - were stored for distribution at 10.30am on Thursday 11 June

Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights condemns the police interference in the
work of non-governmental organizations and stresses that the police is not a
monitoring body, but a law enforcement agency which should act on the basis
of decisions issued by competent bodies. Al Mezan emphasizes that
interference in the work of NGOs disrupts the significant role they play,
especially by relief organizations, in alleviating economic conditions in
the Gaza Strip. Al Mezan calls attention to the following issues:

1. NGOs have full autonomy from governmental bodies and are subject to
the law, and transparent oversight mechanisms mandated by law. Any
interference in their work must respect legal parameters.

2. The coordination of relief efforts in the Gaza Strip has been a
pressing need for the last decade in order to guarantee that aid reaches
those in need, and to avoid duplication in efforts. This requires concerted
efforts by the Ministry of Social Affairs to create a database to ensure
relief efforts are coordinated. As the aim is to ensure efforts are
complementary in order to serve more people in need, NGOs must participate
in these efforts.

Al Mezan calls for an investigation into this incident, and for legal steps
to be taken in order to prevent the repetition of such incidents. Al Mezan
stresses the importance of the Government in Gaza strengthening the role and
diversity of civil society organizations as a way of strengthening the
resilience of society, and especially the poor and the marginalized.


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