Submitted by [email protected] on Fri, 05/28/2010 - 21:44

Gaza Community Mental Health Programme, represented by the Board of Directors and staff members, strongly condemns the attack on the site of the UNRWA summer camp in Gaza City. GCMHP requests the government in Gaza to apprehend those responsible for this crime and bring them to justice.
In support of crime prevention, GCMHP expresses its deep concern regarding the escalation of attacks that target the personal and public freedom of all
According to the investigations, which were conducted by human rights organizations, forty masked and armed men assailed the site of one of UNRWA's largest summer camps within the Palestinian Occupied Territories.
They proceeded to tie up the guard, batter him, and set on fire the interior and exterior of the camp. Prior to destroying the camp facility, the suspects closed off the main coastal route to Gaza highway.
This summer it was projected that 4,500 children and 540 employees, who otherwise might be unemployed, will benefit from the camp's summer program. GCMHP denounces this attack on personal freedom, cultural work, and the freedom of play. Furthermore, GCMHP admonishes against the negative consequences of the combined acts of vandalism and assault and battery, because it evokes a distorted and harmful image about Palestinians and Islam.
From our professional point of view, we, at GCMHP consider extra-curricular activities, such as summer camps, to be highly essential for the sound growth of children. Pursuing their hobbies is a healthy form of catharsis. That is, it is a way of children expressing their emotions and bolsters their resilience. Moreover, it improves their psychological well-being and instructs them to communicate and socialize with others in an appropriate manner. This is especially true during times of tremendous psychologically traumatic events, such as after the Israeli War on Gaza.
We believe that children need a special place to express their feelings. Gazan children are experiencing the cumulative effects of the siege, occupation, and the last War on Gaza that impacts their mental health and psychological adjustment.

Once again, we at GCMHP condemn such vile incidents, attacks, threats, and
provocations against UNRWA. With this in mind, we reiterate our demand of
the Gazan government as follows:

* They carry out a thorough investigation to apprehend these suspects
and prosecute them for their heinous deeds.

* To enforce the protection of the sites of the summer camp, its
participants and organizers.

* An order to stop all provocations against the summer camps and

* To firmly stand against all violations that target personal and
public freedom.

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