DCI concerned by continued use of children as human shields by Israeli soldiers

DCI-Palestine has documented two new cases of children used as human shields by Israeli soldiers during military operations. While searching her house, Dua’a (16) was ordered by Israeli troops to open closets and lift beds, while the soldiers remained metres away: “They moved three metres backward towards the door while aiming their weapons at me… They ordered me to search the closets and other items in the room.”


Sabri (14) was forced to walk in front of Israeli soldiers while stones were being hurled at them, during protests on the Palestinian Prisoner’s Day: “They were hiding behind me so I could cover them from the stones. They were shouting and saying in Hebrew ‘Throw! Throw!’ to the young men who were throwing stones.” According to an article published by Maan News Agency, the Israeli army said it would investigate the allegations.

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