Shams ıssues a press release on the occasion of World Youth Day

"SHAMS" center salutes the struggle of the Arab youth, and highly upholds their legitimate defense to their nations’ needs and concerns. In each annual occasion of the World Youth Day, we recall what has been achieved and what not in the youth process in order for them to get their rights in education, health, economy, politics and public life. This day is an opportunity to stress importance of youth role in every effort and endeavor to achieve sustainable development. youth movement in the Arab World comes as an expression of deep structural and accumulated crisis in Arab societies, millions of Arab youth, and departing from their social reality and social and political concerns of their peoples have proved that these young people own a vision and have awareness , belonging, identity, and history.

"SHAMS" center Stresses the fact that the process of change needs to be organized, in addition to demand the need to increase the youth participation, as it is difficult to change the perspective of old people on youth especially those in the leadership level, as change happens when the institutions run by old generation start to realize the importance of working with young people in all aspects and at all levels.

"SHAMS" center reminds that despite the United Nations’ attention towards youth, but there is still a wide gap between youth in different societies and countries and between those who exist in developed and poor and developing countries for reasons attributed to financial capacity, lack of plans and programs necessary for rehabilitation, upbringing and education, in addition to internal reasons related to ideological and social heritage, the nature of prevailing values​​, customs and traditions, and the community composition and the level of societal openness and the nature of political systems where all these factors have limited the role of young people in poor countries where the rampant crisis lash youth in these societies i.e. unemployment, poor health care, and low standard of living, lack of sponsors, and recreation and entertainment center.

"SHAMS" Center calls the need to invest energies of youth, enthusiasm and creativity and find solutions to their needs and remove the obstacles and challenges before them and support them in achieving their hopes and aspirations and enhance their abilities. Also on socio-economic level, it is recommended to create more educational opportunities and more meaningful employment opportunities for young people and sponsor their social, athletic, artistic, and cultural activities, in addition to provide psychological and health care for young people around the world. It is highly recommended to exert efforts in order to reduce the gap between young people and officials (decision-makers) through expanding scope and space of dialogue and create mutual understanding to end exclusion, marginalization and negligence of this wide -if not the largest- segment of community.

"SHAMS" center demands the amendments of law and legislation, particularly the election law to ensure the involvement of young people in the election process whether as candidates or voters. It is also important to maintain respect to public freedoms, including freedom of association and affiliation in youth organizations and institutions, and respect the independence of the political, social and economic frameworks including student councils, trade unions and civil society organizations, and work to strengthen and empower youth grassroots organizations.

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