Human Rights and Democracy Media Center, "SHAMS" issues a statement on the occasion of the International Day for Tolerance

On the occasion of the International Day for Tolerance on 16th November, SHAMS center calls upon the need to resort to the principle of dialogue, and to refuse resorting to the use or threat of force, and stresses the need for establishing a new vision of tolerance beyond the boundaries of religion and individualism to become a prominent right that should be defended and protected legally. Tolerance is a necessary condition of civil peace, it also means; coexistence in peace between differing parties if the minimum parity, equality, and acceptance of others exist, and consequently, the tolerance is a formula of expressing respect for the feelings and beliefs of others, regardless of their colors, religions, and ethnic or social backgrounds.

"SHAMS" center reminds that tolerance is a kind of a true manifestation of the concept of rights, which is equivalent to the concept of democracy with its social dimensions because social democracy and tolerance concepts contain values ​​and human rights, which seek to free mankind from all forms of slavery, oppression and domination. Tolerance is the first real step in ending the ordeal of the victim and mitigates the pains, not only the physical, but the moral and psychological pain, too. This requires from all who committed a war crime, to publicly admit on his crimes and all his past actions, with all clarity, accuracy and truth, and in front of victims. This can be a public acknowledgment by the perpetrators and their declaration of regret and apology to ask for forgiveness, which in its turn, may help the victims to reflect forgiveness, despite agonies and pain.

On the other hand, attacks on some rights may not be tolerated; it's dignity that is associated with freedom, the right to life, such as occupation and tyranny that can’t be tolerated, in addition to owners of monopolies that yield more poverty, because poverty is an absolute insult to human life.

"SHAMS" center confirms that the political domination and absence of democracy, intolerance, blasphemy and accusation of treason, exclusion and lack of equal opportunity, are some underlying reasons for the absence of tolerance and non-acceptance of differences, which was formed together a suitable environment for the spread of discontent and protest, manily among the young people who feel outcasted, marginalized and suffering from exclusion and lack of benefit from the material fruits of the developmental polices. If we add to the above, the missionary speeches made ​​by some radical ideologies and promises of salvation, if they stick to their teachings and adopted their views, then we can understand why these groups formed the main tributary for these movements over many decades.

"SHAMS" center calls upon the need to control the feelings and emotions that surround the Arab revolutions, as the spread of spirit of revenge and “price tag”, do not encourage the proper transitional democratization process. The successful democratic revolutions’ ethics foster a spirit of tolerance and forgiveness upon capacity, and lay the foundation for the development of a political system that can accommodate all. This was evident in the processes of democratic transition in South Africa and Eastern Europe, this does not mean that we call for the impunity of perpetrators from justice, while providing full guarantees of fair trial, in addition to the need to peruse corrupt people and those who looted public wealth, and whom committed atrocities and crimes against humanity.

"SHAMS" center warns against field trials, and the accompanying grave breaches of the rules of international law, the thing that will increase the enemies of the revolution and will bring more marginalized people, which will certainly lead for more internal problems and conflicts, which will affect the social fabric.

The alternative for what mentioned above is to resort to transitional justice through benefiting from past experiences of other nations in this regard. If we want revolutions to succeed in achieving genuine democratic transition and stable conditions, the key equation is the exact balance between justice and tolerance, and to avoid punishment and exclusion, and acknowledge the need to respect the law and the independence of institutions. It is in everyone's interest to achieve long-term stability rather than preferring the immediate desire for revenge, and a series of endless strife.

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