BADIL Releases Issue 48 of al-Majdal (Winter 2012): Israel and the Crime of Apartheid

The BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights is pleased to announce the publication of its Winter 2012 issue of al-Majdal (issue #48) entitled Israel and the Crime of Apartheid: The Vision of the Anti-Apartheid Struggle. The second of a two-part series on Israeli Apartheid, this issue takes a closer look at the vision of the growing anti-apartheid movement and explores various means of Palestinian resistance.

BADIL staff report on the recent South African session of the Russell Tribunal which unanimously held that Israel subjects the Palestinian people to a single integrated regime of apartheid. This is followed by Simone O'Broin's commentary on the legal right to resistance in the context of a national liberation struggle against colonialism and apartheid. Jeff Handmaker writes about the prospects for ending Israel's impunity regarding apartheid and other crimes, while Amjad Alqasis critically examines the obstacles faced by the architects of the Zionist project; how these obstacles were overcome; and how the apartheid system was established in the Israeli context as well as its overall aim. Adri Nieuwhof reflects on the lessons learned from South African apartheid, highlighting the importance of international support, co-ordination and BDS. This is followed by Hazem Jamjoum's analysis exposing how Israel's denial of the right of return is a crucial component of the apartheid system, thereby highlighting the centrality of the refugee issue within Israeli apartheid. Toufic Haddad draws attention to a significant change in terminology used by the United States, referring to the recent emphasis on the "Jewish State" and suggests ways activists can take advantage of the inherent contradiction in Israel's self-description as a "Jewish and democratic state". Finally, Rifat Kassis from Kairos Palestine gives a Christian perspective on the struggle against apartheid. The issue once again concludes with the recent successes of the BDS movement.


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