HWC Condemns the Attack on its Health Crew and is Mourning the Death of Paramedic Arafeh Abdel Dayem

Submitted by [email protected] on Mon, 01/05/2009 - 13:00

We at the Health Work Committees hold the occupation government and its killing machines the responsibility of killing the paramedic Arafeh Abdel Dayem, wounding of both Ala’ Sarhan, a paramedic and Khaled Abu Sa’da, an ambulance driver. An attack that targeted an ambulance belonging to Al Awdeh Hospital/Jabalia and its crew took place while the health crew was fulfilling their duties and evacuating 3 children that died from the shelling of Beit Lahia. We call upon the international community and all human rights organizations to immediately and swiftly intervene in order to protect the health staff and ambulances and enable them to carry out their humanitarian duty towards the sick and injured. This is guaranteed by all laws and international documents and treaties, especially the Fourth Geneva Convention, which granted immunity and protection for doctors, paramedics and all those working in the field of health.

The acceptance of the reality that “Israel” is a state above the law is a shame for the international community, which praises human rights, freedom, and justice.

We demand an immediate cease to the attacks on health personnel, an instant stop to the genocide committed against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, lifting of the blockade, and that the leaders of the Israeli government be tried as war criminals.

Health Work Committees

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