Advocacy and Policy Influencing Online Training (Arabic)

Agency name
Objectives of the course

At the end of the course, participants will:

  • Be able to identify different approaches to advocacy and the values and strategies that underlie them
  • Be familiar with the stages of the advocacy planning cycle and be better equipped to develop an advocacy strategy
  • Be able to analyse the external environment and policy processes identify appropriate ‘levers of influence’
  • Be aware of power dynamics and the role they play in achieving advocacy success
  • Have examined how an integrated advocacy campaign can successfully combine lobbying, media work and popular mobilisation
  • Have reviewed appropriate tools and methods for monitoring and evaluating advocacy initiatives.


Intended audience
This course is relevant to those who either have little experience but have to implement advocacy work or those with some experience in advocacy which they would like to build on. The course is suitable to those based both in the UK and overseas within suitable time zones1.
Core content areas
These are the core content areas that will be covered in the course:
  •  Approaches to advocacy
  •  Planning and delivering advocacy strategies
  •  Advocacy planning cycle
o Analysis for Advocacy
o Clarifying the Change
o Message Development
o Advocacy Activities and Planning
o Monitoring and evaluation of advocacy
  •  Participants can choose to complete in depth modules in the following advocacy tools:
o Lobbying
o Media
o Popular Mobilisation
o Social Media
o Networks and Alliances Research
Course format and costs
This course has three parts combining training delivered remotely by a highly experienced trainer, with one to one coaching to support attendees as they apply the learning to their current work and context. Participants also have time to work through resources independently and choose the optional modules that are most relevant to them. The course is delivered through the innovative use of web conferencing technology (webinar), skype and INTRAC’s learning platform (moodle).The structure of the course allows individual’s needs to be addressed while they balance their work commitments.
Part One: Trainer-led and self-directed
In week 1, participants 'remotely' attend four days of training including three hours of trainer-delivered content (via webinar) per day, and three hours of self-directed and peer learning. Participants then devise action plans for incorporating learning into their work.
Part Two: One-to-one coaching
In week 5, participants have a 50 minute one-to-one coaching session (via phone or skype) with the trainer. This time is tailored to the needs of each participant. Examples of use of the coaching time include:
  1.  Reviewing learning and considering how to integrate it into current work
  2.  Having contextual or issue-specific support
  3.  Getting feedback or tailored support based on the advocacy strategy they have developed as part of the course.
Part Three: Trainer-led
In week 8, participants attend a final three-hour webinar to consolidate learning, share their reflections on the challenges or successes of applying learning to the workplace, cover any outstanding learning needs, and discuss action plans
The cost is £550 / $840
More information
For more information about this course and our other courses please contact the INTRAC Training Team: +44 (0)1865 263040/201851


1 Exact timings of the Blended Learning trainer led modules will depend on the location of the participants and the spread of time zones the course will cover.
Contact Information
Submission deadline

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