Agency name
Research organizations from countries not on the list of eligible countries, United Nations agencies, and CGIAR research centres are not eligible as lead organizations for the proposed research, but they can be included as partners provided that their budget share does not exceed 20%.
Note: IDRC has scientific and technical cooperation agreements with a number of governments of recipient countries, establishing cooperation frameworks and defining the rights and obligations of both IDRC and those governments. Any applicant institution selected to receive funding may be required to obtain country approval to undertake the research in accordance with these agreements prior to receiving funding from IDRC. In particular, all applicants from India require clearance through the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA). Please note that applicants submitting proposals for research work in India will need to provide a copy of the FCRA approval. The FCRA approval must also be attached for any other organization receiving IDRC funds based in India.
The Accelerating Climate Action call will focus on the following three themes, collectively addressing current knowledge gaps in socially-transformative climate research:
Climate and disaster resilience: Research projects focusing on socially-equitable development planning that enhances the ability of people — regardless of gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status, age, or physical ability — to mitigate and adapt to climate-related hazards;
Energy security: Research projects that explore socially equitable access to innovative, clean, and renewable energy services and to energy-based technologies; and
Migration: Research projects that produce knowledge to contribute to using migration as a proactive adaptation strategy that contributes to equitable access to economic, health, educational, and employment services.
Proposed research projects should be based on an analysis of the interrelated factors affecting communities and their vulnerability to climate change impacts. Projects should aim to achieve long-term socially-transformative outcomes; similarly, they should also be participatory in structure to effectively address the various needs and priorities of underrepresented people. Research outcomes should inspire innovation in climate policies, institutions, technologies, and strategies that can be applied to promote the resilience of communities.
Priority will be given to research projects that:
engage decision-makers from the beginning and involve a wide range of stakeholders throughout the design and implementation of the project (including public authorities, communities, civil society, and the private sector), with particular attention paid to stakeholders who are usually marginalized in such processes;
offer practical and applicable solutions at well-defined, appropriate scales;
identify options to bring tested solutions to scale through private and public financing and appropriate policies that lead to social equity.
More details
Please consult the online call application in English, French, and Spanish for complete details on eligibility criteria, including additional information and FAQs.
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