The Palestinian Museum is pleased to announce an open call for papers for the Museum’s strategic research programs, as follows:
- Art History in Palestine from the 19th century until late-20th century (1990s) and its discourses
Description: This research project invites scholars and field researchers to submit outlines of their research proposals that reflect a wide-ranging engagement with the historiography of art in the context of Palestine and its diasporas.
- The Palestinian Coast: From the late Ottoman Period until the Present
Description: The project seeks to deepen and strengthen qualitative research on history of the Palestinian coast, with in-depth insight into its material, socio-economic and political and settler colonial contexts and futures.
- History of Printing in Jerusalem
Description: The project seeks to deepen and strengthen qualitative research on history of printing and publishing in Jerusalem, with in-depth insight into its material, socio-economic and political contexts.
- New Perspectives on Contemporary Palestinian Culture
Description: The project seeks to deepen and strengthen qualitative critical research on contemporary Palestinian culture, with in-depth insight into its material, socio-economic and political contexts.
7 February 2020: Call for applications.
1 April 2020: Deadline for submitting abstracts and research outline.
1 June 2020: Announcement of awards granted.
30 June 2020: Signing of contracts with successful applicants.
This research programme is generously funded by Ghalia and Omar Al-Qattan.
For more information about the announcement, click here