Reece Foundation Grant

Agency name
Reece Foundation

We support locally led initiatives that help communities in Australia and overseas with access to clean water, sanitation or food security through irrigation. If you've got an idea to help a community most in need, apply today.


Before You Apply

Review the eligibility criteria and application form to help you prepare your submission.

  • Provide as much detail as you can regarding the initiative you are requesting funding for, including project timelines and budget.

  • If you're applying on behalf of a not-for-profit organisation; have permission to apply from the charity you are seeking to support, and provide evidence of permission as an attachment in the application.



The Reece Foundation accepts Grant applications that meet the following guidelines:

  • The application is submitted by a registered charity or not-for-profit organisation.

  • Identifies a need for access to clean water, sanitation or irrigation for food security.

  • Clearly articulates the potential impact on the community.

  • Outlines how the organisation has consulted with and involved the community in the proposed initiative.

  • Includes the trade-skills required for the project in addressing the need identified by the community.

  • The funding request is between AUD$5,000 and AUD$30,000.

Contact Information
Reece Foundation

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