NGO #13712

جمعية بيت دافئ
warm home society
Main Sector
Social/ Welfare Services
Established in June 13th 2009 as a non-governmental and a non-profitable organization, Warm Home Society was permitted and acknowledged by Ministry of Interior as a Palestinian NGO. As an initiative of group of Palestinian’s. To improve the Palestinian society by building civil society which respects individuals rights and their freedom depending on human rights and international conventions , Warm home aims to empower women to take their natural status in the society. The founders realized the necessity of such organization to fulfill the demanding needs of the Palestinian Society through qualified and capable team to provide social and psychological care for the children living under crucial social circumstances. On the same level, Warm Home Society vows to supports unemployed women by giving them the tools and knowledge to place them properly within the working society, add to that its support to working women taking into consideration the complex circumstances politically and socially the Palestinian society undergo on daily bases. The founders of the organization worked with different governmental and non-governmental bodies in different fields which enriched their expertise, which they put in one place to achieve the goals of warm home society.
Contact Information
Contact person
ruba abu gosh
Contact person email
jaser building- htird floor
bassam baker
GIS Location

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