Right to Live Society Organized Football League for Down’s Syndrome

Within the Down’s Syndrome International Day, the competition of a football league started in Right to Live Society on Wednesday, 17.03.2010.
Many students with Down Syndrome were participate in this activity through many teams (Haifa, Yafa, Jenen).

Mr. Mohamed Al Araier, RLS Deputy, said that this activity aims to encourage the spirit of competition and cooperation between students and accept defeat and win with open mind.
Mr. Al Araier added that RLS do not have limited role on rehabilitation of Down's Syndrome from an educational viewpoint only, but also encourages students to participate in sports and article activities.

Mr. Alaa Kadoom, RLS Sporting Teacher, mentioned that there is a tangible development in the students sport level in general, and he commends the performance of students and their spirit of fair competition among the players.

These sporting activities will continue and vary during RLS celebrations by the Down’s Syndrome International Day.

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