TRC conclude the National Conference " ""A year to liberate the prisoner. United in supporting their families"

More then 500 participants attended the national conference held by the Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture in Corporation with the Ministry of Detainee's Affairs on the occasion of Palestinian Prisoners Day in the Palestinian Red Crescent hall in Al-Biereh. A wide spectrum of attendees from detainees’ families, ex-detainees and victims of torture joined the conference, in addition to various supporters and advocates, as well as officials as representatives of governmental and non-governmental institutions besides national figures and representatives. In the same framework, the center held similar workshops and events in the governorates of Hebron, Jenin and Nablus.
This conference is part of three years project funded by European Union titled "Sustaining and improving the services to victims of torture in the West Bank" where the European Union contribute by 80% of the project budget equivalent to 1.200.000€.
The conference has concluded a number of recommendations regarding the detainees' issue including the focus on the measures imposed against them such as preventing visitations, medical negligence and other abuses that represent serious violations of the human rights and the International laws. The conference coincides with a strike launched by the Palestinian detainees through which the detainees will refrain from food and family visiting during the month of April protesting the terrible circumstances they face especially during the visits, and against baring their families and children from visiting.
In his welcome word, Dr. Mahmud Sehwail, the executive president of TRC, stressed that the national unity is considered an urgent necessity to face the Israeli procedures in general and particularly the detainees issue as a central prerequisite for a comprehensive and just political solution. He also expressed his hopes for a culture that rejects all kinds of torture and/or ill-treatment. From his part, His Excellency Mr. Issa Qaraqe, the Minister of Ex-detainees Affairs highlighted the difficult circumstance the detainees are facing, and added that the ministry is working diligently on internationalizing the detainees cause on all levels; a statement affirmed by Mr. Amro Nasser, the director of the international relations in the Ministry.
The opportunity was then given to words by a number of representatives of national and international humanitarian bodies including the representative of the Red cross, Ms. Nadia Debsi, who focused on the international laws related to detention, the representative of the Ministry of education, Ms. Reem Al Kilani, who in turn focused on children prisoners and their rights in addition to participations from TRC's staff. From his part, Mr. Khader Rasras, the executive director of TRC, illustrated the psychosocial consequences detention has on detainees and their families. He also highlighted the intervention kept done by TRC to help reintegrate ex-detainees and their families into their surroundings. Other participations focused on the necessity to prioritize the detainees’ question at all national levels. The conference was concluded by a number of recommendations including those mentioned above in addition to the necessity to keep supporting TRC’s efforts as the only humanitarian organization in the West Bank that provides the psychosocial care and rehabilitation for detainees and their families. Finally,a collection of folklore songs performed by national bands ended the activities of the conference.
For further information contact: Fares Abdullah- Media Coordinator on the email [email protected]


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