FHGA Holds a Palestinian-Palestinian Meeting


Within the Palestinian-Palestinian Communication, Future Generation Hands Association in Nablus starts its activities for 2010 by held the Palestinian Palestinian Meeting. The meeting started with the welcome-speech of Mr. Majed Tubelieh general manager of FGHA he welcomed the guests and emphasized that the Future Generation Hands Association working hard with all the possibilities available to develop the communication between Palestinian either at home or the diaspora at the level of youth, women and children.
This meeting comes in the midst of the suffering of the Palestinian people from a Settlement risk and Judaize Jerusalem and other Palestinian cities in addition to the Israeli refusal to recognize the right of the Palestinian people .In spite of these problems and difficulties but our adherence to life and the land is a powerful motive to live . From this perspective, we call for national unity and end Palestinian split which is the correct way to meet the challenges facing the Palestinian people wherever they are .
An initiative from FGHA and The School for Peace, Palestinian Palestinian meeting was held during the Friday and Saturday on 15 and 16 January 2010 with the Participation of 10 students from Tel-Aviv University-areas 48 and 10 students from An-Najah National University -Nablus.
This meeting comes within a series of meetings aimed at promoting dialogue and communication between the two parts of the Palestinian people .for the benefit of the participants and serves the interests of the people's political and social. These meetings also aimed to establish communication and cooperation to face the difficulties and challenges facing the region in general and especially the Palestinian people .
During these two days and under the guidance of the supervisors of the two institutions .The participants began with a personal acquaintance and then social and political acquaintance. then the dialogues and discussions took place between them about the political ,social and outstanding regional issues
The Palestinian students from Tel Aviv University expressed their desire and eagerness to get to know their colleagues from An Najah National University in Nablus and expressed their intention to identify the city and its people through direct dialogue and They hoped to increase their knowledge about their culture ,national identity and feature their rich home


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