MADA: The occupation forces detained 3 journalists in Bil’in

The Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms (MADA) strongly condemns the detention of the photographers of: Associated press Nasser Al-Shuokhi, Chinese Agency Fadi Aruri, European Agency Atef Safadi, by the Israeli occupation forces. The accident took place while the photographers were covering Bili’n weekly march, today noon 11 June 2010, near the city of Ramallah.

Al-Shuokhi said that he was filming the march activities with his colleagues about 12:00 PM, then the Israeli soldiers approached them and took them to an Israeli army camp, where they were detained for an hour. “After the end of the march the Israeli soldiers released them” Al-Shuokhi said.

MADA condemns once again the extent of Israeli control over Palestinian media, preventing journalists from covering the events, and the Israeli continued harassment of Palestinian journalists. Since these practices are a flagrant violation of freedom of opinion and expression

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