Training Youths and School Children on Human Rights (Third Group)

Future Generation Hands Association has held a training course for the third group of the project of "Training Youths and School Children on Human Rights", financed and supported by Welfare Association and Austrian Development Agency with the participation of 15 students from An-Najah National University-Faculty of Law.

This training course aimed to raise and enhance the level of awareness of the culture and concepts of human rights and democracy among Palestinian youths.

The course began with welcoming the participants by Future Generation Hands Association's management, a talk was conducted about the activities of the FGHA and the social role it plays to provide benefit to all different segments of community members, children, youths, and women.

Then, personal contacts and barriers breaking took a place among participants to introduce them to each others.

Variety and comprehensive topics were discussed on human rights and democratic practices and drop on current situation, course lasted for a period of 4 days, within 30 hours of intensive training.


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